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Assalamu aleikum

My interests reside in the recitation of Khalaf. I would like to know whether there is a rule that requires a sakt (breathless pause) after each of the long vowel (aa-uu-ii) in Arabic in the recitation of Khalaf.
As an example, I heard a qari recite surat Qaf verse 6 such as: "Afalam yanDhuruuuuuu (6 vowel count + sakt) ila-s-samaaaaaa (6 vowel count + sakt) i fawqahum...."
I also heard another recite surat Al Balad verse 1 as follow: "Laaaaaa (6 vowel count + sakt) uqsimu bi hadhal balad"

Jazaku lahi khairan wa salamu alaikum



Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

In the popularly read and listened to way of Khalaf, there is no after a medd letter followed by a hamzah.  There is however, the kind of described in the question in tareeq At-Tayyibah, the authentic ways of recitation found outlined in An-Nashr fi-l-qira’aat al-‘Ashr by Imam Ibn Al-Jazaree. 

Wa iyyaakum wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.