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Question Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah In your question & answer #150301 you have explained the following: "The seven ways of recitation famous today are the seven ways documented by Al-Imaam Ash-Shatabiyy in his prose. They are known as the seven qira’aat by the way of ash-Shatabiyyah. There are three more, again authentic, that are also well known among modern day Muslim scholars documented by Al-Imaam Al-Jazariyy in another prose. " Could you please tell us the correct name of all these different recitations? This would be much appreciated and I pray that Allah bless you and all the Muslims. Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa bararakatuh. The "names" of these recitations are the names of the first scholars of recitation that made a particular way famous. The different qira'aat are known now by these scholars names or nicknames, may Allah have mercy on them all. The names of the seven qira'aat and each of their two narrators may be found at the following link: http://www.abouttajweed.com/30120202.htm
The three qira'aat outlined by Imam ibn
Al-Jazaree in the poem
1. The first of the three outlined by Imam
Ibn Al-Jazaree is the recitation of Abu Ja'far
a. The first branch or
narrator of the recitation of Abu Ja'far is Ibn Wardaan
b. The second branch
(narrator) of the recitation of Abu Ja'far is Ibn Jammaaz
The second recitation is that of Imam Ya'qoob
a. The first branch
(narrator) of the recitation of Ya'qoob is Ruways
b. The second narration of
Ya'qoob is RawH
3. The third imam is Khalaf bin Hishaam
Al-Bazzar Al-Kufee,
a. The first narrator of
the recitation of Imam Khalaf Al-Bazzar is IsHaaq
b. The second narrator of
this recitation is Idrees May Allah be pleased with them all and give them light in their graves. . May Allah bless you as well.