Question Assalamu'alaykum, Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu ALlahi wa barakatuh. All authentic ways of reciting the Qur’an that are mutawaatir from the Prophet, to us in this present day are those that are outlined by Imam Ibn Al-Jazaree in his work: An-Nashr. The ways included in the Nashr are the seven qira’aat and each of the two riwaayah for each qiraa’ah outlined by Imam Ash-Shatibiyy, the three qira’aat outlined by Imam Al-Jazaree in Ad-Durrah, plus the turuq within each of these ways of recitation. The poem that Imam Ibn Al-Jazaree wrote to assist understanding his book An-Nashr is called At-Tayyibah, and therefore the ways outlined in his work are called Tareeq At-Tayyibyah. Each riwaayah of each of the ten qiraa’aat have different ways in Tareeq At-Tayyibah. They can be many ways or a few. For Hafs ‘an ‘Aasim there are 52 ways, some very similar and almost identical, and others different. Any way of reading that is not in An-Nashr, is not mutawaatir and has restrictions in it for us as Muslims. Please refer to: http://www.abouttajweed.com/110403.htm for more details.
May Allah reward you for your request and insha’ Allah many will benefit from it. The information in the PDF download is for students of the Qur’an who already have a firm understanding of all the rules of Hafs ‘an ‘Aasim by the way of Ash-Shatibiyyah. A beginning student may find it confusing, so we suggest they wait until they have studied further before undertaking the study of the difference between the two ways. Click
here to download the rules
for reading two vowel counts for One part not included in the PDF since it is an option, is the takbeer at the end of each surah starting from the end of surah Adh-Dhuhaa until the end of surah An-Naas. Wa iyyaakum. Wa assalaam alaikum |