I have noticed that you often mention the recitation of Hafs an Aasim by the
way of Ash Shaatibiyyah in some of the answers you give. Does this imply that
in addition of the way of Ash Shaatibiyyah there is another way? If yes:
1. What is its name?
2. How is that way different of Ash Shaatibiyyah?
3. Does this way use the same rules of recitation as the Ash Shaatibiyyah way?
May Allah reward you for the countless services you put every day inshallah
Ma Salam
Wa alaikum
assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh.
Imam Ibn Al-Jazaree
researched many sources and outlined different authentic ways in his book
An-Nash fi-l-qiraa’aati-l-3ashr. The
poem he wrote to make learning these ways easy is called At-Tayyibah.
The ways then are called tareeq at-Tayyibah.
There are around 50 ways outlined for Hafs ‘An ‘Aasim in tareeq
at-Tayyibah. One of these ways is
tareeq Ash-Shatibiyyah. Tareeq
Ash-Shaatibiyyah gets its name from the poem written by Imam Ash-Shatibiyy on
the seven qira’aat, that is popularly known as Ash-Shatibiyyah; this is the
way the vast majority of Muslims recite this day. .
The differences
in the ways are sometimes as simple as to whether
, for example is
read with a sakt or not, or whether
stopped on with an alif or not, or both ways are allowed, etc.
These words are the words found in the lessons
on the special words for Hafs ‘an ‘Aasim by the way of Shaatibiyyah,
not all the ways of Hafs read them the way they are read in tareeq Ash-Shaatibiyyah.
Some rules in some ways change from one way to another, for example:
there are some ways that have a ghunnah with the idghaam of the
saakinah and tanween with the letters
. Some
other ways have a breathless pause
a saakin letter before a hamzah. There are differences in the lengths of both
the various ways. Some ways have
six vowel counts for
, others have
five. There are some ways have three vowel counts for
, others two, and still
others five. There are some ways
that have takbeer before every surah of the Qur’an, not just before or after
the surahs at the end of the
Each way
though, has its own distinct rules and must be followed completely.
One cannot take something from one way and mix it with another way.
Each way has an authentic chain of transmission from the Prophet,
the reciters who have ijaazah in these ways this day.
Insha’ Allah
this gives you some information. We
want to stress too that one should learn and master Hafs ‘an ‘Aasmin by
the way of Ash-Shatibiyyah before going on to learn the various ways of Tareeq
May Allah
reward you for your good questions and increase you in beneficial knowledge.
Wa assalaam
alaikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh.